oh yes! i'm crazy and i proud :D

Monday, May 16, 2011

OSK (First and Last Chance) :O

Hay guys . long time no posts L sorry kinda busy haha
u guys have to know that about a week I had study hard huahaha, ya I take a course, phy-math-chemi . study astronomi, sleep late, uhm whatever :/

Okay then . in  May 11th 2011 I had a (almost) big competition, okey its big competition though the participant isn’t very very crowded, ITS OSK or we call it Olimpiade Sains Kota . huaaa big chance for me, and also this is the first and the last chance of enjoying tha National Science Olympiad. Yaaa remember I’m in the acceleration class, huh? 

Btw that time I didn’t join the class. I had to be arrived quickly in SMK 3 for the Olympiad. Huahaha. Actually my preparation wasn’t enough, I think. It just 60 % and it just to remember the formula. Lot of! 
in the night before the battle i only slept for 3 hours haha. books, paper of astronomy fullfil my bed, hahahah

hahaha what do u think? actually sometimes astronomy is soooo complicated. really.

okay i already there at 7 and it was still quiet. so i just struggled briefly with books. oh yea i was nervous .
and 1 bad thing, Egi came late. what the.. 

okay the olympiad began at 9, and yoohooo that was sooo unpredictable! most of the test is about theory! wow. that's my weakness -__- . u know the key? still calm down, and think that everythin gonna be okay . dont even force urselves to be a winner . just handle urself, and belive that u can. do better as u can do . all is well :)

okay finally i passed it . little shocked because of the matter.but it's okay .
it was  so difficult.

okay to amuse my self after that we went to Pasadena cafe (?) .yummy

huaaa it make me hungry again heheheh

okay. btw the announcement 'bout OSK already out but still labil . i'm waitin
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Colouring May

In May 1st 2011 haha 2 days ago there was a great day! (well, not really , somethings made me bored haha) . ya, because there was the first day of May and we , all the students of Padang celebrate HarPikNas (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) or National Education Day , and we break the MURI RECOR , 21000 students painted togetha in the same time , nearby the Padang beach , okay okay the Place was in Danau Cimbago . yeyeey! We painted in…… T-SHIRT . what a great day! Lot of fun! (in paint, remember)

Okay okay before we began there was some speech from “high” people from the education department or something . haha . honestly, it was so boring  and all of the student just keep painting without pay attention of that speech hahaha . :D

And also there was uhm , Let-The-Baloon-Fly session , lol . ya, Mr. Fauzi Bahar did it, he flew up the balloon, hahahahaha. Toys. I saw that was Upin Ipin’;s balloon . huahaha. Some people screamed, “UPIIIIN! IPIIIIN!” hahaha what the .. 

Okay we began painted that TSHIRT , u know what? I really bought a new plain TSHIRT just for this . I planned to wear that SHIRT to hang out after that event . hahaa so I kept my tshirt clean 

kerjaan si bunga

What do u think?
 Is it nice?
I love it actually lol

Theeeeen after that we went to Time Zone and Hau’s Tea to play some games and have meals .
No longer I got to Rara’s house cuz after that we would got to Basko Grand Mall . yey! I wore that TSHIRT :D

In Basko we walked around , to Matahari. Stroberi . Naughty . and J.CO . haha I bought something in Stroberi , and we had yoghurt in J.CO :)

nope . i didnt buy this . just adore it TT

Then we got to Gramedia .uhm I dunno why did Rara and I got sleepy in there . haha
Tired . we got home . know what? I almost sleep in public vehicle!  Hahaha also the wind blew me in the window I almost slept there huahahaha

Hoaaammmm great day :)

Time to collect money cuz I saz pretty dress and wedges in Matahari :D

day 2 . May 2nd 2011
we had a ceremony in Imam Bonjol field . yaaa HarPikNas ceremony ;D

so boring . even i didnt know when the flag raising . muahahaha

after the ceremony finished, we gathered in that park, shared somethin, anythin . then what?
some free-man student came to us and ask for some money! crazeeeh! who do u think u are?
didnt wanna made a problem, we talked kindly and go away . 
worried if they followed us :/ 

after that we got to Time Zone and Hau's Tea .
had some meals there . :D

this is the first time in my life i'm serious in playin DDR . AND I LOVE IT! HAHA

cuz i think i need some money , i made this boxy bank huahahahah

see ya :D
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Phasmina- Lady in Black :)

i love phasmina  :) how bout u? i found this black phasmina in the cupboard, i thought that was my aunties :) and as my hobby i remade it into a dress :)

see? from 1 we can make it into 3 styles . and also, you can create it up to ya :D be creative! :D

#1 simply :)

#2 mommy i like this :D

#3 pretty chic :)

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Mhicya Utami Ramadhani
i'm just an ordinary girl. i love singing, i love music, i love poem and all about ART :)) dream-catcher. ice queen. student of Medical Education, Medical Faculty of Andalas University.
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