oh yes! i'm crazy and i proud :D

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Singing Day :D [Part 3]

hai again :)
ok i'll tell the next event after we got school from UBH (Universitas Bung Hatta)

hahaha u know what?
jalan rusaaak nah si iam malah NGEBUT
helm gue melorot --"  how poor
iam: hahahhha *tertawa polos
gue kdshohcdhchuachasftxardsfy &^%%$@()@!%

finally, kita sampe disekolah dengan selamat tanpa mikirin pengumuman lomba
ps: gue yakin nggak akan menang, heheheh

okay, nyampe disekolah, kita setengah lari dikejar deadline.
sambil lari, gue nyadar..
gue: iam! aku belum ganti sepatu!
iam: haha matilah

gue masih pake wedges 9cm gue oh my gosh!

orang orang ngeliatin gue dan gue langsung terbirit2 buat ganti sepatu . what the hell --"

gue langsung capcus lari ke ruang akustik lantai 3 , dan beberapa masih seleksi
gue nunggu giliran , dan sampailah pada puncak penghinaan seumur hidup . giliran gue .
ha ha *tertawa garing

oke, sejujurnya nada dasar gue sama sekali kerendahan . kasihan.
tapi yaaah its okay semua berjalan lancar.
dan seleksi gue selesai hahaha

and about the contest, yah gue nggak menang haha ya iyalah :D
setidaknya dapet sertifikat haha cihuuyyy :D

okay then gue lolos seleksinya dan tampil di farewell party.
okay the post will be posted :D
be patient and wait fo that! yay!

guess who? xD


  1. hhahha, untung si iam gak nabrak trotoar.. :D :D

    eh, itu pak beye napa mukanya nongol disitu??

  2. hahaha iya untung aja :D
    berabe nya helm yg aku pake malah melorot n merosot hahah

    pak beye?
    oh biasalah ngeksis :D

    btw makasih udah follow :)


coments from unpredictable people :D

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Mhicya Utami Ramadhani
i'm just an ordinary girl. i love singing, i love music, i love poem and all about ART :)) dream-catcher. ice queen. student of Medical Education, Medical Faculty of Andalas University.
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